Benefits of Mission Lago Farms CBD Pet Tincture

Benefits of Mission Lago Farms CBD Pet Tincture

 At Mission Lago Farms’ we are absolute animal lovers. We consider our pets as part of the family and feel like their health and wellness is equally paramount to our own. We want our loved ones to live high quality and comfortable lives. We took this very much into consideration when we formulated our Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture.  Our goal was to provide an effective product for our fur babies to give them an even higher quality of life and more natural options when it comes to our animal’s pain and anxiety relief. There are many benefits to giving your favorite pet our Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture. Here are some of the most common:

Reduce chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation in pets, just like humans, leads to muscle and joint discomfort.  Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture has shown beneficial to reducing this muscle and joint inflammation providing increased health and wellness for your pet through the benefits of CBD. With just a dropper full, many pets saw great improvement with increased mobility and less pain caused from inflammation that comes with age especially in larger dogs.

Helps reduce anxiety and stress

Our animals can get stressed from travel, loud noises or crowds, and some animals even have diagnosed anxiety disorders. It’s very difficult to watch your fur babies struggling with these tough environmental stresses. Nobody wants to see their loved one in emotional distress. Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture assists with a natural remedy reducing your pets stress and anxiety. With its calming and anti-anxiety effects, your pet will be much more relaxed in those highly difficult situations.

Decrease Epileptic seizures

CBD tinctures have been shown to help decrease epileptic seizure episodes in pets, much like it does for humans. Mission Lago Farms’ not only helps reduce the amount and severity of your animal’s seizures, but also assists in their recovery allowing them to relax and sleep better during their return to normalcy. Seeing your fur baby seizing, is a traumatic experience on both owner and the pet. Additionally, Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture helps increase appetite for a quicker recovery time between epileptic seizure episodes.


Reduce joint pain and arthritis  

Just like us, our pets can get arthritis as they age, slowing them down considerably and causing great pain making it harder for them to stay active and keep a high quality of life. Many pets will experience arthritis at some point in their life, the most common joint areas affected by arthritis in animals are their hips, legs and backs. Adding Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture to your animal’s diet will help improve your aging fur babies life providing comfort and helping reduce arthritic symptoms.  Why watch your pet struggle when you can offer them a natural solution to their health and wellness?

Reduce chronic pain

Any animal at any age may suffer from illnesses or ailments that cause ongoing pain. This is tough for any pet owner to experience as we want our animals to live their best life.  The most common chronic pain ailment seen in pets is osteoporosis. Mission Lago Farms’ Pet Tincture can help your fur babies find the comfort that they need to get back to better health and wellness. With just a dropper full a day, most pets will experience the relief for which they are needing.

Mission Lago Farms has taken great pride in formulating an organic and effective product to improve your pet’s health and wellness. CBD is a natural cannabinoid remedy to give your pets a higher quality life by reducing inflammation, reduction of pain, as well as, helping with stress and anxiety.  We highly recommend this product for any fur baby!